
member; personnel, staff member

HSK 2 #200


  • member
  • personnel, staff member
  • person
  • employee
  • member



观察 guān chá yuán observer
操作 cāo zuò yuán operator
特派 tè pài yuán special correspondent; sb dispatched on a mission; special commissioner
quán yuán complete personnel; fully manned
出纳 chū nà yuán cashier; teller; treasurer
程序 chéng xù yuán programmer
领航 lǐng háng yuán navigator
裁判 cái pàn yuán referee
tuán yuán member; group member
共产党 gòng chǎn dǎng yuán Communist Party member
指导 zhǐ dǎo yuán instructor; coach; political instructor (in the PLA)
通讯 tōng xùn yuán correspondent; reporter; messenger boy
打字 dǎ zì yuán typist
fù yuán to demobilize; demobilization
交易 jiāo yì yuán dealer; trader
保管 bǎo guǎn yuán custodian; storeroom clerk
列车 liè chē yuán train attendant
审计 shěn jì yuán accountant; auditor
协调 xié tiáo yuán coordinator
招待 zhāo dài yuán usher; greeter
售票 shòu piào yuán ticket seller
yì yuán interpreter; translator (esp. oral)
饲养 sì yǎng yuán zookeeper; stockman; breeder (of livestock, dogs or poultry etc)
业务 yè wù yuán salesperson
解说 jiě shuō yuán commentator