
raise voice, yell out loud, shout; stammer



呐 nà
  • battle cry
呐 na
  • sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊[ne5 a5] or variant of 哪[na5])


呐 stroke order diagram
呐 stroke order animation


喊 nà hǎn shout; rallying cry; cheering; to shout
摇旗喊 yáo qí nà hǎn to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg sb on; to give support to
suǒ nà suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes; also written 鎖吶|锁呐; also called 喇叭[la3 ba5]
shēng nà sonar
suǒ nà suona, Chinese shawm; see 嗩吶|唢呐
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