HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 470th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.4) |
INDEX # | 747 |
emphatic final particle
吧 ba |
吧 bā |
吧 biā |

酒吧 jiǔ bā | bar; pub; saloon; CL:家[jia1] |
网吧 wǎng bā | Internet café |
吧嗒 bā da | (onom.) patter, splatter, click; to smack one's lips; to pull (on a pipe) |
你看着办吧 nǐ kàn zhe bàn ba | You figure it out for yourself.; Do as you please. |
你看著辦吧 nǐ kàn zhe bàn ba | You figure it out for yourself.; Do as you please. |
吧主 bā zhǔ | message board moderator or administrator |
吧务 bā wù | forum manager |
吧務 bā wù | forum manager |
吧台 bā tái | counter of a bar (pub) |
吧唧 bā jī | (onom.) squishing sound |
吧唧 bā ji | to smack one's lips |
吧唧吧唧 bā ji bā ji | (onom.) smacking the lips |
吧啦吧啦 bā lā bā lā | (loanword) blah blah blah |
吧女 bā nǚ | barmaid |
吧托 bā tuō | scam girl; woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar 酒吧[jiu3 ba1] |
吧托女 bā tuō nǚ | scam girl; woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar 酒吧[jiu3 ba1] |
大氧吧 dà yǎng bā | source of oxygen (of forests and nature reserves); (cliché) lungs of the planet |
摸吧 mō bā | touch bar (hostess bar that allows physical contact) |
歇了吧 xiē le ba | (dialect) give me a break!; forget about it! |
泡吧 pào bā | to spend time in a bar (alcohol, Internet etc); to go clubbing |
爆吧 bào bā | spam flooding |
省省吧 shěng sheng ba | (coll.) Don't waste your breath.; Save it! |
網吧 wǎng bā | Internet café |
贴吧 tiē bā | electronic message board; web forum |
貼吧 tiē bā | electronic message board; web forum |