
sigh, admire

HSK 6 #1299


叹 tàn
  • to sigh
  • to exclaim
  • variant of 嘆|叹[tan4]


叹 stroke order diagram
叹 stroke order animation


惜 tàn xī sigh of regret
赏 tàn shǎng to admire; to express admiration
句 gǎn tàn jù exclamation; exclamatory phrase
语 gǎn tàn yǔ exclamation; expletive
望洋兴 wàng yáng xīng tàn lit. to gaze at the ocean and lament one's inadequacy (idiom); fig. to feel powerless and incompetent (to perform a task)
望而兴 wàng ér xīng tàn to look and sigh; to feel helpless; not knowing what to do
号 tàn hào exclamation mark (punct.)
不如 zì tàn bù rú to consider oneself as being not as good as the others
芝焚蕙 zhī fén huì tàn lit. when one grass burns the other grass sighs (idiom); fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress
不已 jīng tàn bù yǐ to exclaim in astonishment
mò tàn to admire inwardly