
mark, sign; symbol; number

HSK 1 #487


号 hào
  • ordinal number
  • day of a month
  • mark
  • sign
  • business establishment
  • size
  • ship suffix
  • horn (wind instrument)
  • bugle call
  • assumed name
  • to take a pulse
  • classifier used to indicate number of people
号 háo
  • roar
  • cry
  • CL:個|个[ge4]


号 stroke order diagram
号 stroke order animation


称 hào chēng to be known as; to be nicknamed; to be purportedly; to claim (often exaggeratedly or falsely)
pái hào trademark
gēn hào radical sign √ (math.)
外 hào wài (newspaper) extra; special number (of a periodical)
wèn hào question mark (punct.); unknown factor; unsolved problem; interrogation
bìng hào sick personnel; person on the sick list; patient
dòu hào comma (punct.)
míng hào name; good reputation; title
子 hào zi work chant; prison cell; type; sort; mark; sign; signal; (Tw) brokerage firm
电信 diàn xìn hào electrical signal
cháng hào trombone
jiā hào plus sign + (math.)
信 guà hào xìn registered letter
qí hào military banner; flag signal; (fig.) banner (i.e. false pretenses)
特大 tè dà hào jumbo; king-sized
xù hào ordinal number; serial number; sequence number
yǐn hào quotation mark (punct.)
āi háo to cry piteously; anguished wailing; same as 哀嚎
xīng hào asterisk * (punct.)
kuò hào parentheses; brackets
手 hào shǒu trumpeter; military bugler
感叹 gǎn tàn hào exclamation mark ! (punct.)
令 hào lìng an order (esp. army); bugle call expressing military order; verbal command
省略 shěng lüè hào ellipsis (punct.)
jūn hào bugle