HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 456th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.2) |
INDEX # | 248 |
history, chronicle, annals
- history, chronicle, annals
- surname Shi
- history
- annals
- title of an official historian in ancient China

历史 lì shǐ | history; CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4] |
有史以来 yǒu shǐ yǐ lái | since the beginning of history |
史蒂夫 shǐ dì fū | Steve (male name) |
史密斯 shǐ mì sī | Smith (name) |
病史 bìng shǐ | medical history |
史蒂文 shǐ dì wén | Steven, Stephen (name) |
历史性 lì shǐ xìng | historic |
史无前例 shǐ wú qián lì | unprecedented in history |
罗曼史 luó màn shǐ | romance (loanword); love affair |
史前 shǐ qián | prehistory |
史册 shǐ cè | annals |
史诗 shǐ shī | an epic; poetic saga |
历史学家 lì shǐ xué jiā | historian |
史努比 shǐ nǔ bǐ | Snoopy (comic strip pet dog) |
史蒂文斯 shǐ dì wén sī | Stephens; Stevens |
史黛西 shǐ dài xī | Stacy (name) |
编年史 biān nián shǐ | annals; chronicle |
名垂青史 míng chuí qīng shǐ | lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn eternal glory |
青史 qīng shǐ | annal; historical record; CL:筆|笔[bi3] |
史学家 shǐ xué jiā | historian |
史实 shǐ shí | historical fact |
史书 shǐ shū | history book |
科学史 kē xué shǐ | history of science |
史学 shǐ xué | historiography |
史迪威 shǐ dí wēi | Joseph Stilwell (1883-1946), commander of US forces in China, Burma and India in World War II |