HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 387th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.2) |
INDEX # | 253 |
cry, shout; hail, greet, call
- cry, shout
- hail, greet, call
- to shout
- to call
- to order
- to ask
- to be called
- by (indicates agent in the passive mood)
- variant of 叫[jiao4]

叫做 jiào zuò | to be called; to be known as |
名叫 míng jiào | called; named |
尖叫 jiān jiào | to screech; to shriek |
呼叫 hū jiào | to shout; to yell; (telecommunications) to call |
叫醒 jiào xǐng | to awaken; to wake sb up; to rouse |
大喊大叫 dà hǎn dà jiào | shouting and screaming (idiom); to scream loudly; to rant; to kick up a racket; to conduct vigorous propaganda |
叫声 jiào shēng | yelling (sound made by person); barking; braying; roaring (sound made by animals) |
叫喊 jiào hǎn | exclamation; outcry; shout; yell |
喊叫 hǎn jiào | to cry out; to shout |
吼叫 hǒu jiào | to howl |
叫作 jiào zuò | to call; to be called |
乱叫 luàn jiào | to inconsiderately shout |
惨叫 cǎn jiào | to scream; blood-curdling screech; miserable shriek |
叫唤 jiào huan | to cry out; to bark out a sound |
叫嚷 jiào rǎng | to shout; to bellow one's grievances |
叫嚣 jiào xiāo | to hoot |
叫好 jiào hǎo | to applaud; to cheer |
随叫随到 suí jiào suí dào | to be available at any time; to be on call |
惊叫 jīng jiào | to cry out in fear |
大呼小叫 dà hū xiǎo jiào | to shout and quarrel; to make a big fuss |
叫卖 jiào mài | to hawk (one's wares); to peddle |
鸣叫 míng jiào | to emit a sound; (of birds, insects etc) to chirp, hoot etc; (of a siren, steam whistle etc) to sound |
呱呱叫 guā guā jiào | excellent; tip-top |
叫花子 jiào huā zi | beggar |
呼叫器 hū jiào qì | pager; beeper |