
HSK 3 #707


句 jù
  • sentence
  • clause
  • phrase
  • classifier for phrases or lines of verse
句 gōu
  • variant of 勾[gou1]


句 stroke order diagram
句 stroke order animation


话 yī jù huà in a word; in short
話 yī jù huà in a word; in short
话不离本行 sān jù huà bù lí běn háng to talk shop all the time (idiom)
話不離本行 sān jù huà bù lí běn háng to talk shop all the time (idiom)
三言两 sān yán liǎng jù in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly
三言兩 sān yán liǎng jù in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly
中心埋置关系从 zhōng xīn mái zhì guān xì cóng jù center-embedded relative clauses
中心埋置關係從 zhōng xīn mái zhì guān xì cóng jù center-embedded relative clauses
主谓 zhǔ wèi jù subject-predicate sentence; subject-predicate clause
主謂 zhǔ wèi jù subject-predicate sentence; subject-predicate clause
五言绝 wǔ yán jué jù poetic form consisting of four lines of five syllables, with rhymes on first, second and fourth line
五言絕 wǔ yán jué jù poetic form consisting of four lines of five syllables, with rhymes on first, second and fourth line
lì jù example sentence
倒装 dào zhuāng jù inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect); anastrophe
倒裝 dào zhuāng jù inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect); anastrophe
假否定 jiǎ fǒu dìng jù false negative
假肯定 jiǎ kěn dìng jù false affirmative
liǎng jù (say) a few words
liǎng jù (say) a few words
反问 fǎn wèn jù rhetorical question
反問 fǎn wèn jù rhetorical question
实话 jù jù shí huà to speak honestly (idiom)
實話 jù jù shí huà to speak honestly (idiom)
容 jù róng Jurong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu
容市 jù róng shì Jurong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu