
mouth; open end; entrance, gate

HSK 3 #212


口 kǒu
  • mouth
  • classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc)
  • classifier for bites or mouthfuls


口 stroke order diagram
口 stroke order animation


红 kǒu hóng lipstick
zhù kǒu shut up; shut your mouth; stop talking
qīn kǒu one's own mouth; fig. in one's own words; to say sth personally
lù kǒu crossing; intersection (of roads)
水 kǒu shuǐ saliva
哨 kǒu shào whistle
渴 kǒu kě thirsty
qiāng kǒu muzzle of a gun
号 kǒu hào slogan; catchphrase; CL:個|个[ge4]
miè kǒu to kill sb to prevent them from divulging a secret; to silence sb
令 kǒu lìng oral command; a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts); password (used by sentry)
通风 tōng fēng kǒu air vent; opening for ventilation
如瓶 shǒu kǒu rú píng lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped; reticent; not breathing a word
十字路 shí zì lù kǒu crossroads; intersection
qiē kǒu incision; notch; slit; gash; margin of a page; trimmed edge (of a page in a book)
qiè kǒu slang; argot; private language used as secret code
shēng kou animals used for their physical strength (mules, oxen etc); beast of burden
子 kǒu zi hole; opening; cut; gap; gash; my husband or wife; classifier for people (used for indicating the number of people in a family etc); precedent
hú kǒu to scrape a meager living; to get by with difficulty; variant of 糊口[hu2 kou3]
shù kǒu to rinse one's mouth; to gargle
技 kǒu jì beat boxing; vocal mimicry; ventriloquism
jiē kǒu interface; port; connector
头禅 kǒu tóu chán Zen saying repeated as cant; (fig.) catchphrase; mantra; favorite expression; stock phrase
suí kǒu (speak) without thinking the matter through
而出 tuō kǒu ér chū to blurt out; to let slip (an indiscreet remark)