take, receive, obtain; select

HSK 4 #323


取 qǔ
  • to take
  • to get
  • to choose
  • to fetch



其精華,去其糟粕 qǔ qí jīng huá , qù qí zāo pò take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan); keep what is good, discard the rest; You need to be selective when studying.; In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas.
勝 qǔ shèng to score a victory; to prevail over one's opponents
得一致 qǔ dé yī zhì to reach a consensus
得胜利 qǔ dé shèng lì to prevail; to achieve victory; to be victorious
得勝利 qǔ dé shèng lì to prevail; to achieve victory; to be victorious
悅 qǔ yuè to try to please
捨 qǔ shě to choose; to accept or reject
景器 qǔ jǐng qì viewfinder (of a camera etc)
樂 qǔ lè to find amusement; to amuse oneself
模 qǔ mó modulo (math.)
模 qǔ mú to take an impression (dentistry etc)
樣 qǔ yàng to take a sample
样数量 qǔ yàng shù liàng sample size (statistics)
樣數量 qǔ yàng shù liàng sample size (statistics)
款机 qǔ kuǎn jī ATM
款機 qǔ kuǎn jī ATM
決 qǔ jué to depend upon; to hinge upon
消禁令 qǔ xiāo jìn lìng to lift a prohibition; to lift a ban
灯儿 qǔ dēng r (dialect) match (for lighting fire)
燈兒 qǔ dēng r (dialect) match (for lighting fire)
现 qǔ xiàn to withdraw money
現 qǔ xiàn to withdraw money
用 qǔ yòng to access; to make use of
經 qǔ jīng to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures; to learn by studying another's experience
締 qǔ dì to suppress; to crack down on; to prohibit