
dislike, detest, reject; satiate


厭 yàn
  • to loathe


惹人 rě rén yàn annoying; disgusting
zēng yàn to loathe
huì yàn epiglottis
炎 huì yàn yán epiglottitis
shēng yàn to disgust; to pall; fed up; tedious; cloying; boring; irritating
男性惡 nán xìng yàn wù misandry
bìng yān yān sickly-looking
百聽不 bǎi tīng bù yàn worth hearing a hundred times
百讀不 bǎi dú bù yàn to be worth reading a hundred times (idiom)
精神性食症 jīng shén xìng yàn shí zhèng anorexia nervosa
裒斂無 póu liǎn wú yàn to accumulate wealth without satisfaction; to continually plunder (idiom)
討人 tǎo rén yàn horrid
tǎo yàn to dislike; to loathe; disagreeable; troublesome; annoying
鬼 tǎo yàn guǐ disgusting person; slob
誅求無 zhū qiú wú yàn incessant exorbitant demands
貪婪無 tān lán wú yàn avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
貪得無 tān dé wú yàn avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
貪求無 tān qiú wú yàn insatiably greedy (idiom)
貪猥無 tān wěi wú yàn avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
食不精,膾不細 shí bù yàn jīng , kuài bù yàn xì lit. to eat but finely ground grain and finely chopped meat (idiom, from Analects); fig. to be fastidious about one's food