
guard, protect, defend

HSK 4 #669


  • guard, protect, defend
  • surname Wei
  • vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1066-221 BC), located in present day Henan and Hebei Provinces
  • to guard
  • to protect
  • to defend
  • abbr. for 衛生|卫生, hygiene
  • health
  • abbr. for 衛生間|卫生间, toilet


卫 stroke order diagram
卫 stroke order animation


舰 hù wèi jiàn corvette
人造星 rén zào wèi xīng artificial satellite
生局 wèi shēng jú health office; bureau of hygiene
zhōng wèi Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia
安特普 ān tè wèi pǔ Antwerp (city in Belgium)
huán wèi public cleanliness; (urban) sanitation; environmental sanitation; abbr. for 環境衛生|环境卫生[huan2 jing4 wei4 sheng1]
通讯星 tōng xùn wèi xīng communications satellite
保家国 bǎo jiā wèi guó guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense
shì wèi World Health Organization (WHO); abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织[Shi4 jie4 Wei4 sheng1 Zu3 zhi1]
生球 wèi shēng qiú mothball
视 wèi shì satellite TV (abbr. for 衛星電視|卫星电视[wei4 xing1 dian4 shi4])
道士 wèi dào shì traditionalist; moralist; champion (of a cause)
气象星 qì xiàng wèi xīng weather satellite
通信星 tōng xìn wèi xīng communications satellite
二 mù wèi èr Europa (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter II
殿 diàn wèi fullback (sports)
兵 hóng wèi bīng Red Guards (Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976)
校 wèi xiào medical school; nursing school
生防疫 wèi shēng fáng yì epidemic-prevention
mù wèi moon of Jupiter
三 mù wèi sān Ganymede (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter III
四 mù wèi sì Callisto (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter IV
城 wèi chéng citadel; defensive city; acropolis
星城 wèi xīng chéng "satellite" town; edge city; exurb
道 wèi dào to defend traditional values