HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 1711th character |
RADICAL | ⼘ (25.3) |
INDEX # | 230 |
cottage, hut; surname; black
- cottage, hut
- surname
- black
- surname Lu
- abbr. for Luxembourg 盧森堡|卢森堡[Lu2 sen1 bao3]
- (old) rice vessel
- black
- old variant of 廬|庐[lu2]
- (slang) (Tw) troublesome
- fussy

卢卡斯 lú kǎ sī | Lucas (name) |
卢瑟 lú sè | loser (loanword) |
卢比 lú bǐ | rupee (Indian currency) (loanword) |
卢旺达 lú wàng dá | Rwanda |
里约热内卢 lǐ yuē rè nèi lú | Rio de Janeiro |
滑铁卢 huá tiě lú | Waterloo (Belgium); Battle of Waterloo (1815); fig. a defeat; failure |
卢布 lú bù | ruble (Russian currency) (loanword) |
卢瑟福 lú sè fú | Rutherford (name); Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), early nuclear physicist from New Zealand |
卢浮宫 lú fú gōng | the Louvre, museum in Paris |
卢森堡 lú sēn bǎo | Luxembourg |
费卢杰 fèi lú jié | Fallujah, Iraqi city on Euphrates |
图瓦卢 tú wǎ lú | Tuvalu |
卢卡 lú kǎ | Lucca (city in Tuscany) |
图卢兹 tú lú zī | Toulouse (city in France) |
高卢语 gāo lú yǔ | Gaulish or Gallic (language) |
卢克索 lú kè suǒ | Luxor, city in Egypt |
卢氏 lú shì | Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan |
卢瓦尔河 lú wǎ ěr hé | Loire River, France |
卢萨卡 lú sà kǎ | Lusaka, capital of Zambia |
圣卢西亚 shèng lú xī yà | Saint Lucia |
卢塞恩 lú sài ēn | Lucerne, Switzerland |
卢武铉 lú wǔ xuàn | Roh Moo-hyun (1946-2009), South Korean lawyer and politician, president 2003-2008 |
佉卢文 qū lú wén | Kharosthi (ancient language of central Asia) |
图卢斯 tú lú sī | Toulouse (France) |
奥卢 ào lú | Oulu (city in Finland) |