cottage, hut; surname; black



  • cottage, hut
  • surname
  • black
  • surname Lu
  • abbr. for Luxembourg 盧森堡|卢森堡[Lu2 sen1 bao3]
  • (old) rice vessel
  • black
  • old variant of 廬|庐[lu2]
  • (slang) (Tw) troublesome
  • fussy


卢 stroke order diagram
卢 stroke order animation


卡斯 lú kǎ sī Lucas (name)
瑟 lú sè loser (loanword)
比 lú bǐ rupee (Indian currency) (loanword)
旺达 lú wàng dá Rwanda
里约热内 lǐ yuē rè nèi lú Rio de Janeiro
滑铁 huá tiě lú Waterloo (Belgium); Battle of Waterloo (1815); fig. a defeat; failure
布 lú bù ruble (Russian currency) (loanword)
瑟福 lú sè fú Rutherford (name); Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), early nuclear physicist from New Zealand
浮宫 lú fú gōng the Louvre, museum in Paris
森堡 lú sēn bǎo Luxembourg
杰 fèi lú jié Fallujah, Iraqi city on Euphrates
图瓦 tú wǎ lú Tuvalu
卡 lú kǎ Lucca (city in Tuscany)
兹 tú lú zī Toulouse (city in France)
语 gāo lú yǔ Gaulish or Gallic (language)
克索 lú kè suǒ Luxor, city in Egypt
氏 lú shì Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan
瓦尔河 lú wǎ ěr hé Loire River, France
萨卡 lú sà kǎ Lusaka, capital of Zambia
西亚 shèng lú xī yà Saint Lucia
塞恩 lú sài ēn Lucerne, Switzerland
武铉 lú wǔ xuàn Roh Moo-hyun (1946-2009), South Korean lawyer and politician, president 2003-2008
文 qū lú wén Kharosthi (ancient language of central Asia)
斯 tú lú sī Toulouse (France)
ào lú Oulu (city in Finland)
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