
soldier; servant; at last, finally



卒 zú
  • variant of 卒[zu2]
  • soldier
  • servant
  • to finish
  • to die
  • finally
  • at last
  • pawn in Chinese chess
卒 cù
  • variant of 猝[cu4]


卒 stroke order diagram
卒 stroke order animation


无名小 wú míng xiǎo zú insignificant soldier (idiom); a nobody; nonentity
yù zú jailer (old)
xiǎo zú foot soldier; minor figure; a nobody; (chess) pawn
zǒu zú pawn (i.e. foot soldier); servant; lackey (of malefactor)
身先士 shēn xiān shì zú to fight at the head of one's troops; (fig.) to take the lead
bīng zú soldiers; troops
shì zú soldier; private (army)
马前 mǎ qián zú lackey; errand boy; lit. runner before a carriage
cāng cù variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]
cāng cù variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]
jìng zú elite soldiers; a crack force
jìng zú elite soldiers; a crack force
cōng cù old variant of 匆猝[cong1 cu4]
中 cù zhòng stroke; cerebral hemorrhage
业 zú yè to complete a course of study (old); to graduate
業 zú yè to complete a course of study (old); to graduate
shù zú garrison soldier
bào zú die of sudden illness; die suddenly
gēng zú soldier (serving alternate watch)
为德不 wéi dé bù zú to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span
為德不 wéi dé bù zú to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span
無名小 wú míng xiǎo zú insignificant soldier (idiom); a nobody; nonentity
yù zú jailer (old)
年 shēng zú nián dates of birth and death (of historical figure)
年月 shēng zú nián yuè dates of birth and death (of historical figure)
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