
humble, low, inferior; despise

HSK 6 #2059


卑 bēi
  • low
  • base
  • vulgar
  • inferior
  • humble


卑 stroke order diagram
卑 stroke order animation


賤 bēi jiàn lowly; mean and low
躬屈节 bēi gōng qū jié to bow and scrape; to act servilely
躬屈節 bēi gōng qū jié to bow and scrape; to act servilely
躬屈膝 bēi gōng qū xī to bow and bend the knee (idiom); fawning; bending and scraping to curry favor
辞厚币 bēi cí hòu bì humble expression for generous donation
辭厚幣 bēi cí hòu bì humble expression for generous donation
辞厚礼 bēi cí hòu lǐ humble expression for generous gift
辭厚禮 bēi cí hòu lǐ humble expression for generous gift
鄙龌龊 bēi bǐ wò chuò sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)
鄙齷齪 bēi bǐ wò chuò sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)
陋 bēi lòu humble; petty; crude
陋龌龊 bēi lòu wò chuò sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)
陋齷齪 bēi lòu wò chuò sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)
zūn bēi superior and subordinate; social ranking
男尊女 nán zūn nǚ bēi to regard men as superior to women (idiom)
心理 zì bēi xīn lǐ sense of inferiority; inferiority complex
情绪 zì bēi qíng xù inferiority complex
情緒 zì bēi qíng xù inferiority complex
qiān bēi humble
阿尔斯 ā ěr bēi sī Alps (mountain range)
阿爾斯 ā ěr bēi sī Alps (mountain range)
xiān bēi Xianbei or Xianbi, group of northern nomadic peoples
xiān bēi Xianbei or Xianbi, group of northern nomadic peoples
族 xiān bēi zú Xianbei or Xianbi, historic ethnic group of northern nomads
族 xiān bēi zú Xianbei or Xianbi, historic ethnic group of northern nomads