HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 513th character |
RADICAL | ⼗ (24.3) |
INDEX # | 307 |
半 bàn |

半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi | to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished |
一半 yī bàn | half |
半夜 bàn yè | midnight; in the middle of the night |
半辈子 bàn bèi zi | half of a lifetime |
多半 duō bàn | most; mostly; most likely |
半死 bàn sǐ | half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredness etc); (tired) to death; (terrified) out of one's wits; (beaten) to within an inch of one's life; (knock) the daylights out of sb |
半天 bàn tiān | half of the day; a long time; quite a while; midair; CL:個|个[ge4] |
大半 dà bàn | more than half; greater part; most; probably; most likely |
半数 bàn shù | half the number; half |
半径 bàn jìng | radius |
半生 bàn shēng | half a lifetime |
半点 bàn diǎn | the least bit |
半岛 bàn dǎo | peninsula |
半路 bàn lù | halfway; midway; on the way |
半决赛 bàn jué sài | semifinals |
半空 bàn kōng | midair |
半价 bàn jià | half price |
半边 bàn biān | half of sth; one side of sth |
半自动 bàn zì dòng | semiautomatic |
半球 bàn qiú | hemisphere |
半身像 bàn shēn xiàng | half-length photo or portrait; bust |
参半 cān bàn | half; half and half; both ... and ...; just as much ... as ...; equally |
减半 jiǎn bàn | to reduce by half |
半截 bàn jié | half (of sth); halfway through |
半夜三更 bàn yè sān gēng | in the depth of night; late at night |