
small box, case, coffer



  • small box, case, coffer
  • box


匣 stroke order diagram
匣 stroke order animation


dàn xiá magazine (for ammunition)
子 hēi xiá zi (airplane) black box
子 huà xiá zi phonograph or radio (old term); chatterbox; talkative person
子 xiá zi small box
枪 xiá qiāng Mauser pistol (C96 type)
槍 xiá qiāng Mauser pistol (C96 type)
mò xiá ink cartridge
dàn xiá magazine (for ammunition)
打开话子 dǎ kāi huà xiá zi to start talking
打開話子 dǎ kāi huà xiá zi to start talking
收件 shōu jiàn xiá inbox (email)
子 huà xiá zi phonograph or radio (old term); chatterbox; talkative person
里 xiá lǐ inside the box
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