
north; northern; northward

HSK 1 #315


北 běi
  • north
  • (classical) to be defeated


北 stroke order diagram
北 stroke order animation


侖區 běi lún qū Beilun district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang
仓区 běi cāng qū erroneous variant of 北侖區|北仑区[Bei3 lun2 qu1], Beilun district of Ningbo, Zhejiang
倉區 běi cāng qū erroneous variant of 北侖區|北仑区[Bei3 lun2 qu1], Beilun district of Ningbo, Zhejiang
側 běi cè north side; north face
冕座 běi miǎn zuò Corona Borealis (constellation)
卡羅來納 běi kǎ luó lái nà North Carolina, US state
卡羅來納州 běi kǎ luó lái nà zhōu North Carolina, US state
印度语 běi yìn dù yǔ Hindi; a north Indian language
印度語 běi yìn dù yǔ Hindi; a north Indian language
叟失马 běi sǒu shī mǎ lit. the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
叟失馬 běi sǒu shī mǎ lit. the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
史 běi shǐ History of the Northern Dynasties, fifteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Li Yanshou 李延壽|李延寿[Li3 Yan2 shou4] in 659 during Tang Dynasty, 100 scrolls
周 běi zhōu the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581); one of the Northern Dynasties
噪鸦 běi zào yā (bird species of China) Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus)
噪鴉 běi zào yā (bird species of China) Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus)
回歸線 běi huí guī xiàn Tropic of Cancer
國 běi guó the northern part of the country; the North
圻 běi qí Tonkin, northern Vietnam during the French colonial period
坡 běi pō north slope
埔 běi bù Beibu or Peipu township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
埔乡 běi bù xiāng Beibu or Peipu township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
埔鄉 běi bù xiāng Beibu or Peipu township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
塔 běi tǎ North tower; Beita district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan
塔区 běi tǎ qū North tower district; Beita district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan
塔區 běi tǎ qū North tower district; Beita district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan