
north; northern; northward

HSK 1 #315


北 běi
  • north
  • (classical) to be defeated


北 stroke order diagram
北 stroke order animation


湖区 běi hú qū North lake district; Beihu district of Chenzhou city 郴州市[Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan
湖區 běi hú qū North lake district; Beihu district of Chenzhou city 郴州市[Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan
温带 běi wēn dài the north temperate zone
溫帶 běi wēn dài the north temperate zone
漂 běi piāo migrant worker living and working in Beijing without a residence permit
汉 běi hàn Han of the Five dynasties (951-979), one of ten kingdoms during the Five Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms period (907-960)
漢 běi hàn Han of the Five dynasties (951-979), one of ten kingdoms during the Five Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms period (907-960)
燕 běi yān Northern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (409-436)
疆 běi jiāng North of Xinjiang
短翅莺 běi duǎn chì yīng (bird species of China) Baikal bush warbler (Locustella davidi)
短翅鶯 běi duǎn chì yīng (bird species of China) Baikal bush warbler (Locustella davidi)
碚 běi bèi Beibei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
碚区 běi bèi qū Beibei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
碚區 běi bèi qū Beibei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
票 běi piào Beipiao county level city in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳[Chao2 yang2], Liaoning
票市 běi piào shì Beipiao county level city in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳[Chao2 yang2], Liaoning
端 běi duān northern extremity
竿 běi gān Peikan Island, one of the Matsu Islands; Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan
竿乡 běi gān xiāng Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan
竿鄉 běi gān xiāng Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan
約 běi yuē NATO; abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1], North Atlantic Treaty Organization
红尾鸲 běi hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)
紅尾鴝 běi hóng wěi qú (bird species of China) Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)
緯 běi wěi latitude north
县 běi xiàn abbr. for 台北縣|台北县[Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taipei county in north Taiwan