HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 2503rd character |
RADICAL | ⼓ (20.4) |
INDEX # | 504 |
breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the Hsiung Nu 'Huns'
匈牙利 xiōng yá lì | Hungary |
匈奴 xiōng nú | Xiongnu, a people of the Eastern Steppe who created an empire that flourished around the time of the Qin and Han dynasties |
匈牙利语 xiōng yá lì yǔ | Hungarian language |
匈牙利語 xiōng yá lì yǔ | Hungarian language |
匈语 xiōng yǔ | Hungarian language |
匈語 xiōng yǔ | Hungarian language |
奥匈帝国 ào xiōng dì guó | Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867-1918 |
奧匈帝國 ào xiōng dì guó | Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867-1918 |