
power, force; tendency


勢 shì
  • power
  • influence
  • potential
  • momentum
  • tendency
  • trend
  • situation
  • conditions
  • outward appearance
  • sign
  • gesture
  • male genitals


wēi shì might; power and influence
shǒu shì defensive position; guard
dìng shì attitude; mindset; prejudice
宣傳攻 xuān chuán gōng shì marketing campaign
審度時 shěn duó shí shì to examine and judge the situation
審時度 shěn shí duó shì to judge the hour and size up the situation; to take stock
jú shì situation; state (of affairs)
shān shì topography of a mountain; features of a mountain
ruò shì vulnerable; weak
群體 ruò shì qún tǐ disadvantaged social groups (e.g. the handicapped); the economically and politically marginalized; the dispossessed
qiáng shì strong; powerful; (linguistics) emphatic; intensive
xíng shì circumstances; situation; terrain; CL:個|个[ge4]
嚴峻 xíng shì yán jùn in grave difficulties; the situation is grim
dé shì to win power; to get authority; to become dominant
qíng shì situation; circumstance
力 è shì lì evil forces; criminal elements
tài shì posture; situation
shǒu shì gesture; sign; signal
打把 dǎ bǎ shi drill (in sword play); to thrash around; to demonstrate gymnastic skills; to solicit financial help (in an indirect way); to show off
拉開架 lā kāi jià shi to assume a fighting stance; (fig.) to take the offensive
gōng shì (military) offensive
星座運 xīng zuò yùn shì (Western-style) horoscope
shí shì current situation; circumstances; current trend
造英雄 shí shì zào yīng xióng Time makes the man (idiom). The trend of events brings forth the hero.
有權者 yǒu quán shì zhě person in power; the one with authority; the guy in charge