
power, force; tendency


勢 shì
  • power
  • influence
  • potential
  • momentum
  • tendency
  • trend
  • situation
  • conditions
  • outward appearance
  • sign
  • gesture
  • male genitals


上升趨 shàng shēng qū shì an upturn; an upward trend
上揚趨 shàng yáng qū shì upward trend; rising tendency
chéng shì to seize the opportunity; to strike while the iron is hot
shì shì state of affairs
rén shì (human) penis (TCM)
人多眾 rén duō shì zhòng many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength; There is safety in numbers.
zhàng shì to rely on power
欺人 zhàng shì qī rén to take advantage of one's position to bully people (idiom); to kick people around
丹 yī shì dān Isetan, Japanese department store
佔優 zhàn yōu shì to predominate; to occupy a dominant position
zuò shì to adopt an attitude; to strike a posture
lái shì momentum of sth approaching
jiè shì to borrow sb's authority; to seize an opportunity
做張做 zuò zhāng zuò shì to put on an act (idiom); to pose; to show theatrical affectation; to indulge in histrionics
shāng shì condition of an injury
yōu shì superiority; dominance; advantage
liè shì inferior; disadvantaged
不兩立 shì bù liǎng lì the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences; incompatible standpoints
不可擋 shì bù kě dǎng see 勢不可當|势不可当[shi4 bu4 ke3 dang1]
不可當 shì bù kě dāng impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force
利 shì lì snobbish
利小人 shì li xiǎo rén snob
利眼 shì lì yǎn to be self-interested
力 shì li power; (ability to) influence
在必得 shì zài bì dé to be determined to win (idiom)
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