levy, raise; summon; recruit



募 mù
  • canvass for contributions
  • to recruit
  • to collect
  • to raise


募 stroke order diagram
募 stroke order animation


捐 mù juān to solicit contributions; to collect donations
zhāo mù to recruit; to enlist
集 mù jí to raise; to collect
款 mù kuǎn to raise money
zhēng mù to conscript
chóu mù to raise funds; to collect money
gōng mù public placement (investing)
化 mù huà to collect alms (Buddhism)
缘 mù yuán (of a monk) to beg for food
緣 mù yuán (of a monk) to beg for food
zhēng mù to conscript
juān mù to solicit contributions; to collect donations
sī mù private placement (investing)
基金 sī mù jī jīn private equity fund; fund offered to private placement (e.g. hedge fund)
chóu mù to raise funds; to collect money
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