
take by force, coerce; disaster

HSK 6 #1825


  • take by force, coerce
  • disaster
  • variant of 劫[jie2]
  • to rob
  • to plunder
  • to seize by force
  • to coerce
  • calamity
  • abbr. for kalpa 劫波[jie2 bo1]


劫 stroke order diagram
劫 stroke order animation


數 jié shù predestined fate (Buddhism)
数难逃 jié shù nán táo Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it (idiom). Your doom is at hand.
數難逃 jié shù nán táo Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it (idiom). Your doom is at hand.
機 jié jī hijacking; air piracy
杀 jié shā to rob and kill
殺 jié shā to rob and kill
波 jié bō kalpa (loanword) (Hinduism)
洗 jié xǐ to loot; plunder
营 jié yíng to seize a camp; to surprise the enemy in bed
營 jié yíng to seize a camp; to surprise the enemy in bed
獄 jié yù to break into jail; to forcibly release prisoners
车 jié chē to carjack; carjacking
車 jié chē to carjack; carjacking
道 jié dào to kidnap; to hijack
難 jié nàn calamity
余 jié yú remnants after a disaster; aftermath
餘 jié yú remnants after a disaster; aftermath
打家舍 dǎ jiā jié shè to break into a house for robbery (idiom)
持枪抢 chí qiāng qiāng jié armed robbery
持槍搶 chí qiāng qiāng jié armed robbery
qiǎng jié to rob; looting
案 qiǎng jié àn robbery; holdup
案 qiǎng jié àn robbery; holdup
罪 qiāng jié zuì robbery
罪 qiāng jié zuì robbery