medicinal preparation


  • medicinal preparation
  • dose (medicine)


橙色戰 chéng sè zhàn jì Agent Orange (herbicide)
止汗 zhǐ hàn jì anti-perspirant
止痛 zhǐ tòng jì an analgesic; pain killer
殺真菌 shā zhēn jūn jì fungicide
殺菌 shā jūn jì a disinfectant
殺螺 shā luó jì snail poison
殺蟲 shā chóng jì insecticide; pesticide
dú jì a poison; a toxic agent; poison gas; a chemical weapon
彈 dú jì dàn gas projectile
震檢 dú jì zhèn jiǎn gas detection
毒害量 dú hài jì liàng poisoning dose
氣霧 qì wù jì aerosol
氧化 yǎng huà jì oxidant; oxidizing agent
chōng jì medicine to be taken after being mixed with water (or other liquid)
沖服 chōng fú jì dose of medicine to be taken in solution; infusion
泥敷 ní fū jì poultice
注射 zhù shè jì injection; shot
洗消 xǐ xiāo jì decontaminant; decontaminating agent
洗滌 xǐ dí jì cleaning agent; detergent
洗潔 xǐ jié jì detergent
洗髮 xǐ fà jì shampoo
活性 huó xìng jì reagent (chemistry)
jìn jì infusion (pharm.)
消毒 xiāo dú jì disinfectant
消除毒 xiāo chú dú jì decontamination