theatrical plays, opera, drama


  • theatrical plays, opera, drama
  • theatrical work (play, opera, TV series etc)
  • dramatic (change, increase etc)
  • acute
  • severe


缺陷 bēi jù quē xiàn tragic flaw (Aristotle's hamartia)
悲喜 bēi xǐ jù tragicomedy
惡作 è zuò jù practical joke; prank; to play a practical joke
愛情喜 ài qíng xǐ jù romantic comedy
cǎn jù tragedy; calamity; atrocity
xì jù drama; play; theater
化 xì jù huà theatrical
化人格違常 xì jù huà rén gé wéi cháng histrionic personality disorder (HPD)
家 xì jù jiā dramatist; playwright
性 xì jù xìng dramatic
戲說 xì shuō jù period costume drama (on TV)
同志會 xīn jù tóng zhì huì New Dramatic Society, Chinese theatrical company from 1912, a continuation of Tokyo Spring Willow Society 春柳社[Chun1 liu3 she4]
春柳場 chūn liǔ jù chǎng Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chinese theatrical company set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture Movement 新文化運動|新文化运动[Xin1 Wen2 hua4 Yun4 dong4], continued in China from 1912 as 新劇同志會|新剧同志会[Xin1 ju4 Tong2 zhi4 hui4]
時裝 shí zhuāng jù contemporary drama
qì jù to quit watching a TV series
gē jù Western opera; CL:場|场[chang3],齣|出[chu1]
院 gē jù yuàn opera house
院魅影 gē jù yuàn mèi yǐng The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber
zhèng jù bourgeois tragedy
歷史 lì shǐ jù historical drama
活報 huó bào jù political street theater (loanword from Zhivaya Gazeta, or Living Newspaper, Russian theater form of the 1920s)
xiāng jù Xiang opera (Hunan)
hù jù Shanghai opera
yǎn jù to perform a play
秧歌 yāng ge jù Yangge opera, a rural form of theater