theatrical plays, opera, drama


  • theatrical plays, opera, drama
  • theatrical work (play, opera, TV series etc)
  • dramatic (change, increase etc)
  • acute
  • severe


IP i p jù screen adaptation (TV series or movie based on an online novel or video game etc)
上星 shàng xīng jù satellite television show
上海大院 shàng hǎi dà jù yuàn Shanghai Grand Theater
上海戲學院 shàng hǎi xì jù xué yuàn Shanghai Theatrical Institute
中央戲學院 zhōng yāng xì jù xué yuàn Central Academy of Drama
jīng jù Beijing opera; CL:場|场[chang3],齣|出[chu1]
人間喜 rén jiān xǐ jù La Comédie humaine, series of novels by 19th century French novelist Honoré de Balzac 巴爾扎克|巴尔扎克[Ba1 er3 zha1 ke4]
dòng jù Dong opera
保留目 bǎo liú jù mù repertory; stock (in theater)
偶像 ǒu xiàng jù idol drama; drama series in which the actors are chosen for their preexisting popularity with young viewers
公地悲 gōng dì bēi jù tragedy of the commons (economics)
shuā jù to binge-watch (TV)
作家 jù zuò jiā playwright
團 jù tuán theatrical troupe
場 jù chǎng theater; CL:個|个[ge4]
增 jù zēng dramatic increase
壇 jù tán the world of Chinese opera; theatrical circles
情 jù qíng story line; plot
本 jù běn script for play, opera, movie etc; screenplay; scenario
毒 jù dú highly toxic; extremely poisonous
烈 jù liè violent; acute; severe; fierce
照 jù zhào photo taken during a theatrical production; a still (from a movie)
痛 jù tòng acute pain; sharp pain; twinge; stab; pang
目 jù mù repertoire; list of plays or operas
社 jù shè theater company
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