
destroy, exterminate, annihilate



剿 jiǎo
  • to destroy
  • to extirpate
  • variant of 剿[jiao3]
剿 chāo
  • to plagiarize
  • variant of 剿[chao1]


剿 stroke order diagram
剿 stroke order animation


wéi jiǎo to encircle and annihilate; refers to repeated campaigns of the Guomindang against the communists from 1930 onwards
qīng jiǎo to suppress (insurgents); clean-up operation
灭 jiǎo miè to eliminate (by armed force)
匪 jiǎo fěi to send armed forces to suppress
滅 jiǎo miè to eliminate (by armed force)
袭 chāo xí variant of 抄襲|抄袭[chao1 xi2]
襲 chāo xí variant of 抄襲|抄袭[chao1 xi2]
说 chāo shuō to plagiarize
說 chāo shuō to plagiarize
bāo jiǎo to surround and annihilate (bandits)
反围 fǎn wéi jiǎo communist attack against the Guomindang's encircle and annihilate campaign
反圍 fǎn wéi jiǎo communist attack against the Guomindang's encircle and annihilate campaign
wéi jiǎo to encircle and annihilate; refers to repeated campaigns of the Guomindang against the communists from 1930 onwards
zhēng jiǎo to mount a punitive expedition against bandits
zhuī jiǎo to pursue and eliminate; to suppress
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