medicinal preparation

HSK 6 #1546


  • medicinal preparation
  • dose (medicine)



sǎn jì powder medicine
fāng jì prescription; recipe (Chinese medicine)
有机磷毒 yǒu jī lín dú jì organophosphorus agent
枯叶 kū yè jì Agent Orange (herbicide)
柔软 róu ruǎn jì fabric softener
柔顺 róu shùn jì fabric softener
chéng jì Agent Orange (herbicide)
橙色 chéng sè jì Agent Orange (herbicide)
橙色战 chéng sè zhàn jì Agent Orange (herbicide)
止汗 zhǐ hàn jì anti-perspirant
杀真菌 shā zhēn jūn jì fungicide
杀菌 shā jūn jì a disinfectant
杀螺 shā luó jì snail poison
弹 dú jì dàn gas projectile
震检 dú jì zhèn jiǎn gas detection
毒害量 dú hài jì liàng poisoning dose
冲服 chōng fú jì dose of medicine to be taken in solution; infusion
泥敷 ní fū jì poultice
注射 zhù shè jì injection; shot
洗消 xǐ xiāo jì decontaminant; decontaminating agent
洗洁 xǐ jié jì detergent
洗发 xǐ fà jì shampoo
活性 huó xìng jì reagent (chemistry)
jìn jì infusion (pharm.)
消除毒 xiāo chú dú jì decontamination