medicinal preparation

HSK 6 #1546


  • medicinal preparation
  • dose (medicine)


剂 stroke order diagram
剂 stroke order animation


镇痛 zhèn tòng jì painkiller; analgesic; anodyne
氧化 yǎng huà jì oxidant; oxidizing agent
冷却 lěng què jì coolant
强心 qiáng xīn jì cardiac stimulant
shuān jì suppository
染发 rǎn fà jì hair dye; rinse; tint
利尿 lì niào jì diuretic
甜味 tián wèi jì sweetener (food additive)
rǔ jì emulsion
chōng jì medicine to be taken after being mixed with water (or other liquid)
tāng jì decoction; potion
黏合 nián hé jì glue
wán jì pill
干燥 gān zào jì desiccant
推进 tuī jìn jì propellant; rocket fuel
气雾 qì wù jì aerosol
还原 huán yuán jì reducing agent
催吐 cuī tù jì an emetic
型 jì xíng delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder etc)
指示 zhǐ shì jì indicator
piān jì tablet
腐蚀 fǔ shí jì a corrosive (chemical)
中和 zhōng hé jì neutralizing agent; neutralizer
乙种促效 yǐ zhǒng cù xiào jì beta-2 agonist
乳化 rǔ huà jì emulsifier