HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 2350th character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.6) |
INDEX # | 1129 |
shave, pare off, scrape
- shave, pare off, scrape
- to scrape
- to blow
- to shave
- to plunder
- to extort
- to blow (of the wind)

刮风 guā fēng | to be windy |
刮目相看 guā mù xiāng kàn | to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth; to sit up and take notice (of sb's improved performance etc) |
刮脸 guā liǎn | to shave one's face |
搜刮 sōu guā | to rake in (money); to plunder; to milk people dry |
刮胡刀 guā hú dāo | razor |
刮刀 guā dāo | spatula; scraper |
耳刮子 ěr guā zi | (coll.) a slap on one's face; a cuff |
刮痧 guā shā | gua sha (technique in TCM) |
刮伤 guā shāng | scratch (wound); scratch (damage to an object) |
刮傷 guā shāng | scratch (wound); scratch (damage to an object) |
刮刮卡 guā guā kǎ | lottery scratchcard |
刮刮叫 guā guā jiào | variant of 呱呱叫[gua1 gua1 jiao4] |
刮刮乐 guā guā lè | scratch-and-win lottery |
刮刮樂 guā guā lè | scratch-and-win lottery |
刮勺 guā sháo | scraper; trowel; putty knife |
刮掉 guā diào | to scrape off; to shave off (whiskers etc); (of the wind) to blow sth away |
刮皮刀 guā pí dāo | peeler; potato peeler |
刮目相待 guā mù xiāng dài | see 刮目相看[gua1 mu4 xiang1 kan4] |
刮臉 guā liǎn | to shave one's face |
刮蹭 guā cèng | to scrape one's car against sth; to sideswipe |
刮铲 guā chǎn | scraper |
刮鏟 guā chǎn | scraper |
刮鬍刀 guā hú dāo | razor |
刮胡子 guā hú zi | to shave |
刮鬍子 guā hú zi | to shave |