
surname; kill, destroy



  • surname
  • kill, destroy
  • surname Liu
  • (classical) a type of battle-ax
  • to kill
  • to slaughter


刘 stroke order diagram
刘 stroke order animation


慈欣 liú cí xīn Liu Cixin (1963-), Chinese science fiction writer
昫 liú xù Liu Xu (887-946), politician in Later Jin of the Five Dynasties 後晉|后晋, compiled History of Early Tang Dynasty 舊唐書|旧唐书
晓波 liú xiǎo bō Liu Xiaobo (1955-2017), Beijing writer and human rights activist, organizer of petition Charter 2008 零八憲章|零八宪章[Ling2 ba1 Xian4 zhang1], Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 2010
松龄 liú sōng líng Ferdinand Augustin Hallerstein (1703-1774), Slovenian Jesuit missionary, astronomer and mathematician, spent 35 years at Emperor Qianlong's court
毅 liú yì Liu Yi (-285), famous incorruptible official of Western Jin dynasty the Western Jin dynasty 西晉|西晋[Xi1 Jin4] (265-316); Liu Yi (-412), general of Eastern Jin dynasty 東晉|东晋[Dong1 Jin4] (317-420)
洋 liú yáng Liu Yang (1978-), China's first female astronaut in space (June 16, 2012)
涓子 liú juān zǐ Liu Juanzi, legendary alchemist and creator of magic potions
涓子鬼遗方 liú juān zǐ guǐ yí fāng Liu Juanzi's medical recipes bequeathed by the ghost Huang Fugui 黃父鬼|黄父鬼
渊 liú yuān Liu Yuan, warlord at the end of the Western Jin dynasty 西晋, founder of Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms 成漢|成汉 (304-347)
熙 liú xī Liu Xi (late Han, c. 200 AD), possibly the author of 釋名|释名[Shi4 ming2]
禅 liú chán Liu Chan 劉禪|刘禅 (207-271), son of Liu Bei, reigned as Shu Han emperor 233-263
禹锡 liú yǔ xī Liu Yuxi (772-842), Tang poet
义庆 liú yì qìng Liu Yiqing (403-444), writer of South Song Dynasty, compiler and editor of A New Account of the Tales of the World 世說新語|世说新语[Shi4 shuo1 Xin1 yu3]
表 liú biǎo Liu Biao (142-208), warlord
裕 liú yù Liu Yu, founder of Song of the Southern dynasties 劉宋|刘宋[Liu2 Song4], broke away from Eastern Jin in 420, reigned as Emperor Wu of Song 宋武帝[Song4 Wu3 di4]
贵今 liú guì jīn Liu Guijin (1945-), PRC diplomat, special representative to Africa from 2007, Chinese specialist on Sudan and the Darfur issue
宾雁 liú bīn yàn Liu Binyan (1925-2005), journalist and novelist, condemned by Mao as rightist faction in 1957, subsequently dissident writer
邦 liú bāng Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), bandit leader who became first Han emperor Han Gaozu 漢高祖|汉高祖 (reigned 202-195 BC)
金宝 liú jīn bǎo Liu Jinbao
云山 liú yún shān Liu Yunshan (1947-), PRC politician, background in journalism in Inner Mongolia, head of the Central Propaganda Department 2002-2012
青云 liú qīng yún Lau Ching-Wan (1964-), Hong Kong actor
鹗 liú è Liu E (1857-1909), late Qing novelist, author of 老殘遊記|老残游记[Lao3 Can2 You2 ji4]
宋武帝裕 sòng wǔ dì liú yù Liu Yu, founder of Southern dynasty Song 劉宋|刘宋, broke away from Eastern Jin in 420
汉文帝恒 hàn wén dì liú héng Liu Heng (202-157 BC), the fourth Han emperor Han Wendi, reigned 180-157 BC
鹏宇 liú péng yǔ a personal name; in this context, the speaker talking about themselves or someone else named Liu Pengyu