
a line; to arrange in order, classify

HSK 4 #500


列 liè
  • to arrange
  • to line up
  • file
  • series
  • (in data tables) column
  • (Tw) row


列 stroke order diagram
列 stroke order animation


mǎ liè Marx and Lenin
qián liè the very front
zhuān liè special train; abbr. for 專門列車|专门列车[zhuan1 men2 lie4 che1]
车员 liè chē yuán train attendant
前茅 míng liè qián máo to rank among the best
zhèn liè (computing) array (data structure); (hardware) array (photovoltaic cells, radio telescopes etc)
luó liè to spread out
席 liè xí to attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate
塔尼 bù liè tǎ ní Brittany or Bretagne, area of western France
wèi liè to rank
岛 liè dǎo archipelago; chain of islands
强 liè qiáng the Great Powers (history)
宁格勒 liè níng gé lè Leningrad, name of Russian city Saint Petersburg 聖彼得堡|圣彼得堡 1923-1991
片 xì liè piàn film series
以色人 yǐ sè liè rén Israelite; Israeli
国 liè guó various countries
车长 liè chē zhǎng conductor; train manager
一系 yī xì liè a series of; a string of
舰 zhàn liè jiàn battleship
式 fēn liè shì (military) march-past
门捷夫 mén jié liè fū Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), Russian chemist who introduced the periodic table
fēn liè to divide into rows; to identify subcategories; to break down into constituent parts; breakdown; disaggregation
宁主义 liè níng zhǔ yì Leninism
治文 liè zhì wén Richmond (place name or surname)
顛 bù liè diān Britain; British; Great Britain