HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 79th character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.2) |
INDEX # | 146 |
divide; small unit of time etc.
分 fēn |
分 fèn |

分钟 fēn zhōng | minute |
部分 bù fen | part; share; section; piece; CL:個|个[ge4] |
十分 shí fēn | very; completely; utterly; extremely; absolutely; hundred percent; to divide into ten equal parts |
百分之 bǎi fēn zhī | percent |
分手 fēn shǒu | to part company; to split up; to break up |
分析 fēn xī | to analyze; analysis; CL:個|个[ge4] |
过分 guò fèn | excessive; undue; overly |
充分 chōng fèn | ample; sufficient; adequate; full; fully; to the full |
分别 fēn bié | to part or leave each other; to distinguish; difference; in different ways; differently; separately or individually |
成分 chéng fèn | composition; make-up; ingredient; element; component; one's social status; CL:個|个[ge4] |
分配 fēn pèi | to distribute; to assign; to allocate; to partition (a hard drive) |
分布 fēn bù | to scatter; to distribute; to be distributed (over an area etc); (statistical, geographic) distribution |
分散 fēn sàn | to scatter; to disperse; to distribute |
分裂 fēn liè | to split up; to divide; to break up; fission; schism |
万分 wàn fēn | very much; extremely; one ten thousandth part |
分辨 fēn biàn | to distinguish; to differentiate; to resolve |
分歧 fēn qí | divergent; difference (of opinion, position); disagreement; bifurcation (math.) |
区分 qū fēn | to differentiate; to draw a distinction; to divide into categories |
分解 fēn jiě | to resolve; to decompose; to break down |
分泌 fēn mì | to secrete; secretion |
分明 fēn míng | clear; distinct; evidently; clearly |
分量 fēn liàng | (vector) component |
分量 fèn liang | quantity; weight; measure |
划分 huà fēn | to divide up; to partition; to differentiate |
分红 fēn hóng | dividend; to award a bonus |