HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 211th character |
RADICAL | ⼏ (16.0) |
INDEX # | 14 |
small table
几 jǐ |
几 jī |

几乎 jī hū | almost; nearly; practically |
好几 hǎo jǐ | several; quite a few |
几千 jǐ qiān | several thousand |
几率 jī lǜ | probability; odds |
十几 shí jǐ | more than ten; a dozen or more |
几何 jǐ hé | geometry; (literary) how much |
几时 jǐ shí | what time?; when? |
所剩无几 suǒ shèng wú jǐ | there is not much left |
曾几何时 céng jǐ hé shí | just a while before; not so long ago; everyone can remember when.. |
几何学 jǐ hé xué | geometry |
茶几 chá jī | small side table; coffee table; teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea) |
几内亚 jī nèi yà | Guinea |
几近 jī jìn | to be on the brink of; to be on the verge of |
寥寥无几 liáo liáo wú jǐ | just a very few (idiom); tiny number; not many at all; You count them on your fingers. |
几何级数 jǐ hé jí shù | geometric series |
巴布亚新几内亚 bā bù yà xīn jǐ nèi yà | Papua New Guinea |
几多 jǐ duō | (dialect) how much; how many; how (smart etc); such ... |
几许 jǐ xǔ | (literary) how many; quite a few |
赤道几内亚 chì dào jī nèi yà | Equatorial Guinea |
一蹴可几 yī cù kě jǐ | to succeed at the first try (idiom); easy as pie; one can do it at once |
不拉几 bù lā jī | (dialect) extremely |
不知凡几 bù zhī fán jǐ | one can't tell how many; numerous similar cases |
代数几何 dài shù jǐ hé | algebraic geometry |
代数几何学 dài shù jǐ hé xué | algebraic geometry |
内在几何 nèi zài jǐ hé | intrinsic geometry |