
to shiver with cold or fear



  • to shiver with cold or fear
  • cold
  • to shiver with cold
  • to tremble with fear
  • afraid
  • apprehensive
  • strict
  • stern
  • severe
  • austere
  • awe-inspiring
  • imposing
  • majestic


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冽 lǐn liè biting cold
大义然 dà yì lǐn rán devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence (idiom)
威风 wēi fēng lǐn lǐn majestic; awe-inspiring presence; impressive power
遵 lǐn zūn to strictly abide by
朔风冽 shuò fēng lǐn liè The north wind is icy cold.
wēi lǐn slightly apprehensive; a mild expression of fear or anxiety
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