smelt, fuse metals; cast, found



  • smelt, fuse metals
  • cast, found
  • to smelt
  • to cast
  • seductive in appearance


冶 stroke order diagram
冶 stroke order animation


炼 yě liàn to smelt metal
金 yě jīn metallurgy
金学 yě jīn xué metallurgy
yāo yě pretty and flirtatious
táo yě lit. to fire pots and smelt metal; fig. to educate
天 yě tiān ATI, brand name of AMD graphics cards
容 yě róng to mold (into seductive shape); to dress up (usu. derogatory); to sex up
煉 yě liàn to smelt metal
炼炉 yě liàn lú a furnace for smelting metal
煉爐 yě liàn lú a furnace for smelting metal
艳 yě yàn bewitching; beautiful
艷 yě yàn bewitching; beautiful
荡 yě dàng lewd; lascivious
蕩 yě dàng lewd; lascivious
游 yě yóu to go courting; to visit a brothel (old); related to 野遊|野游[ye3 you2]
遊 yě yóu to go courting; to visit a brothel (old); related to 野遊|野游[ye3 you2]
金學 yě jīn xué metallurgy
铸 yě zhù to smelt and cast
鑄 yě zhù to smelt and cast
gǔ yě Guye district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei
区 gǔ yě qū Guye district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei
區 gǔ yě qū Guye district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei
dà yě Daye county level city in Huangshi 黃石|黄石[Huang2 shi2], Hubei
市 dà yě shì Daye county level city in Huangshi 黃石|黄石[Huang2 shi2], Hubei
lǐ yě Li Jilan 李季蘭|李季兰[Li3 Ji4 Lan2] or Li Ye (713-784), Tang dynasty female poet
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