
write; draw, sketch; compose

HSK 1 #448


写 xiě
  • to write


写 stroke order diagram
写 stroke order animation


字楼 xiě zì lóu office building
意 xiě yì to suggest (rather than depict in detail); freehand style of Chinese painting, characterized by bold strokes rather than accurate details
意 xiè yì comfortable; enjoyable; relaxed
tīng xiě (of a pupil) to write down (in a dictation exercise); dictation; (music) to transcribe by ear
生 xiě shēng to sketch from nature; to do a still life drawing
xiǎo xiě lowercase
téng xiě to transcribe; to make a fair copy
纸 fù xiě zhǐ carbon paper
体 shǒu xiě tǐ handwritten form; cursive
fù xiě to duplicate; to carbon copy
大小 dà xiǎo xiě capitals and lowercase letters
mó xiě to trace over; to copy (a calligraphy model); facsimile; (fig.) to depict; to portray
tí xiě to create a work of calligraphy for display in a prominent place (typically, a sign)
mò xiě to write from memory
不区分大小 bù qū fēn dà xiǎo xiě case insensitive; not distinguishing capitals from lowercase letters
luàn xiě to write without basis
人物描 rén wù miáo xiě portrayal
dài xiě to write as substitute for sb; a ghost writer; plagiarism
dào xiě mirror writing; upside down writing
cè xiě to profile; profile; (offender) profiling
chuán xiě to copy; to pass on a copy
kè xiě to inscribe
区分大小 qū fēn dà xiǎo xiě case sensitive; distinguishing capitals from lowercase letters
博客手 bó kè xiě shǒu blogger; blog writer
可擦 kě cā xiě erasable