
excessive; superfluous



  • excessive
  • superfluous
  • extraneous
  • redundant
  • superfluous
  • busy schedule
  • variant of 冗[rong3]


冗 stroke order diagram
冗 stroke order animation


語 rǒng yǔ verbosity; verbose speech
费 rǒng fèi unnecessary expenses
費 rǒng fèi unnecessary expenses
赘 rǒng zhuì verbose
贅 rǒng zhuì verbose
赘词 rǒng zhuì cí expletive (linguistics)
贅詞 rǒng zhuì cí expletive (linguistics)
辞 rǒng cí variant of 冗詞|冗词[rong3 ci2]
辭 rǒng cí variant of 冗詞|冗词[rong3 ci2]
長 rǒng cháng long and tedious; redundant; superfluous; supernumerary; verbose (of writing)
长度 rǒng cháng dù (level of) redundancy
長度 rǒng cháng dù (level of) redundancy
杂 rǒng zá many and varied; confused
雜 rǒng zá many and varied; confused
食 rǒng shí eating without working
餘 rǒng yú redundancy; redundant
bō rǒng to find time to do sth in the midst of pressing affairs
liú rǒng the unemployed workforce
fán rǒng diverse and complicated (of one's affairs); prolix (of speech, writing etc)
fán rǒng diverse and complicated (of one's affairs); prolix (of speech, writing etc)
fán rǒng variant of 煩冗|烦冗[fan2 rong3]
xián rǒng officials with light duties; supernumeraries
xián rǒng officials with light duties; supernumeraries