HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1044th character |
RADICAL | ⼋ (12.6) |
INDEX # | 1092 |
law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture
典 diǎn |

词典 cí diǎn | dictionary; also written 辭典|辞典[ci2 dian3]; CL:部[bu4],本[ben3] |
经典 jīng diǎn | the classics; scriptures; classical; classic (example, case etc); typical |
古典 gǔ diǎn | classical |
典型 diǎn xíng | model; typical case; archetype; typical; representative |
典礼 diǎn lǐ | celebration; ceremony |
瑞典 ruì diǎn | Sweden |
庆典 qìng diǎn | celebration |
字典 zì diǎn | Chinese character dictionary (containing entries for single characters, contrasted with a 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3], which has entries for words of one or more characters); (coll.) dictionary; CL:本[ben3] |
典范 diǎn fàn | model; example; paragon |
法典 fǎ diǎn | legal code; statute |
典当 diǎn dàng | to pawn; pawnshop |
雅典 yǎ diǎn | Athens, capital of Greece |
辞典 cí diǎn | dictionary; also written 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3]; CL:本[ben3],部[bu4] |
恩典 ēn diǎn | favor; grace |
雅典娜 yǎ diǎn nà | Athena |
宝典 bǎo diǎn | canonical text; treasury (i.e. book of treasured wisdom) |
盛典 shèng diǎn | majestic pomp; grand ceremony |
典雅 diǎn yǎ | refined; elegant |
典故 diǎn gù | classical story or quote from the literature |
瑞典语 ruì diǎn yǔ | Swedish (language) |
非典 fēi diǎn | atypical pneumonia; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; SARS |
引经据典 yǐn jīng jù diǎn | lit. to quote the classics; to quote chapter and verse (idiom) |
大典 dà diǎn | ceremony; collection of classical writings |
古典文学 gǔ diǎn wén xué | classical literature |
典籍 diǎn jí | ancient books or records |