qiáo jiǎo

sojourn, lodge


僑 qiáo
  • emigrant
  • to reside abroad


務 qiáo wù matters relating to the Chinese diaspora (as a concern of the Chinese government)
務委員會 qiáo wù wěi yuán huì Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, Taiwan
居 qiáo jū to live far away from one's native place; to reside in a foreign country
民 qiáo mín expatriates
眷 qiáo juàn family members of nationals residing abroad
胞 qiáo bāo countryman living abroad
鄉 qiáo xiāng hometown of overseas Chinese
wài qiáo foreigner
chè qiáo to evacuate (e.g. foreign civilians from a war zone)
guī qiáo Chinese person who returns to China after living as an expatriate
huá qiáo overseas Chinese; (in a restricted sense) Chinese emigrant who still retains Chinese nationality; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
報 huá qiáo bào Va Kio Daily
大學 huá qiáo dà xué Huaqiao University
yuè qiáo Vietnamese resident in other countries (including in China)
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