HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 636th character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.9) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2337 |
falsehood, deception; vacation
假 jiǎ |
假 jià |
假 gēi |

请假 qǐng jià | to request leave of absence |
寒假 hán jià | winter vacation |
放暑假 fàng shǔ jià | spend summer vacation |
假装 jiǎ zhuāng | to feign; to pretend |
假设 jiǎ shè | to suppose; to presume; to assume; supposing that ...; if; hypothesis; conjecture |
假如 jiǎ rú | if |
虚假 xū jiǎ | false; phony; pretense |
度假 dù jià | to go on holidays; to spend one's vacation |
假期 jià qī | vacation |
假释 jiǎ shì | parole |
假发 jiǎ fà | wig |
休假 xiū jià | to take a vacation; to go on holiday |
暑假 shǔ jià | summer vacation; CL:個|个[ge4] |
放假 fàng jià | to have a holiday or vacation |
假定 jiǎ dìng | to assume; to suppose; supposed; so-called; assumption; hypothesis |
假日 jià rì | holiday; non-working day |
假扮 jiǎ bàn | to impersonate; to act the part of sb; to disguise oneself as sb else |
病假 bìng jià | sick leave |
假象 jiǎ xiàng | false appearance; facade |
假牙 jiǎ yá | false teeth; dentures |
春假 chūn jià | spring break |
假冒 jiǎ mào | to impersonate; to pose as (someone else); to counterfeit; to palm off (a fake as a genuine) |
假话 jiǎ huà | a lie; untrue statement; misstatement |
假货 jiǎ huò | counterfeit article; fake; dummy; simulacrum |
假想 jiǎ xiǎng | imaginary; virtual; to imagine; hypothesis |