
feeble, tiny, young and weak



倪 ní
  • surname Ni
  • (literary) small child
  • limit
  • bound
  • extremity
  • to differentiate
  • origin
  • cause


倪 stroke order diagram
倪 stroke order animation


duān ní boundary; clue; indication; to obtain clues; to infer
一窥端 yī kuī duān ní to infer easily; to guess at a glance; to get a clue
一窺端 yī kuī duān ní to infer easily; to guess at a glance; to get a clue
不可端 bù kě duān ní impossible to get even an outline (idiom); unfathomable; not a clue
bǐ ní parapet; to look askance
匡 ní kuāng Ni Kuang (1935-), Chinese novelist and screenwriter
嗣冲 ní sì chōng Ni Sichong (1868-1924), general closely linked to Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 during his unsuccessful 1915 bid for Empire
嗣沖 ní sì chōng Ni Sichong (1868-1924), general closely linked to Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 during his unsuccessful 1915 bid for Empire
柝声 ní tuò shēng Ni Tuosheng or Watchman Nee (1903-1972), influential Chinese Christian
柝聲 ní tuò shēng Ni Tuosheng or Watchman Nee (1903-1972), influential Chinese Christian
桂珍 ní guì zhēn Ni Guizhen or Ni Kwei-Tseng (1869 - 1931), mother of Song Ailing 宋藹齡|宋蔼龄[Song4 Ai3 ling2], Song Qingling 宋慶齡|宋庆龄[Song4 Qing4 ling2] and Song Meiling 宋美齡|宋美龄[Song4 Mei3 ling2]
mào ní variant of 耄倪[mao4 ni2]
xióng ní Xiong Ni (1974-), Chinese diving athlete
狄俄索斯 dí é ní suǒ sī Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek mythology
mào ní old and young
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