fèng běng

wages, salary, official emolument



俸 fèng
  • salary


俸 stroke order diagram
俸 stroke order animation


jiǎn fèng to lower salary; to reduce pay
jiǎn fèng to lower salary; to reduce pay
lù fèng official pay
祿 lù fèng official pay
终身 zhōng shēn fèng (Tw) retirement pay; pension
終身 zhōng shēn fèng (Tw) retirement pay; pension
fá fèng to forfeit one's salary
fá fèng to forfeit one's salary
zī fèng salary; pay; wages
zī fèng salary; pay; wages
shí fèng salary of a public official; to be in government service
hè fèng an official's emolument
hè fèng an official's emolument