
protect, safeguard, defend, care

HSK 4 #266


  • protect, safeguard, defend, care
  • Bulgaria
  • Bulgarian
  • abbr. for 保加利亞|保加利亚[Bao3 jia1 li4 ya4]
  • to defend
  • to protect
  • to keep
  • to guarantee
  • to ensure
  • civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old)


保 stroke order diagram
保 stroke order animation


ān bǎo to maintain security (abbr.)
险柜 bǎo xiǎn guì a safe; strongbox
全 bǎo quán to save from damage; to preserve; to maintain; to keep in good repair; (Tw) security guard
shè bǎo social insurance; abbr. for 社會保險|社会保险
健 bǎo jiàn health protection; health care; to maintain in good health
人寿险 rén shòu bǎo xiǎn life insurance
zì bǎo to defend oneself; self-defense; self-preservation
单 bǎo dān guarantee slip
暖 bǎo nuǎn to stay warm; to protect against the cold
时捷 bǎo shí jié Porsche (car company)
加利亚 bǎo jiā lì yà Bulgaria
险杠 bǎo xiǎn gàng car bumper
险丝 bǎo xiǎn sī fuse wire; (electrical) fuse
守派 bǎo shǒu pài conservative faction
护性 bǎo hù xìng protective
尔 bǎo ěr Paul (name)
tóu bǎo to take out insurance; to insure
罗 shèng bǎo luó St Paul; São Paulo, city in Brazil
护区 bǎo hù qū conservation district; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
nán bǎo hard to say; can't guarantee; difficult to protect; difficult to preserve
险单 bǎo xiǎn dān insurance policy (document)
盖世太 gài shì tài bǎo Gestapo
护神 bǎo hù shén patron saint; guardian angel
社会险 shè huì bǎo xiǎn social security; abbr. to 社保
证金 bǎo zhèng jīn earnest money; cash deposit; bail; margin (in derivative trading)