HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 2880th character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.7) |
INDEX # | 1561 |
like, similar; resemble; pretty
俏 qiào |

俏皮话 qiào pi huà | witticism; wisecrack; sarcastic remark; double entendre |
俏皮 qiào pi | smart; charming; attractive; witty; facetious; ironic |
俊俏 jùn qiào | attractive and intelligent; charming; elegant |
俏丽 qiào lì | handsome; pretty |
俏皮話 qiào pi huà | witticism; wisecrack; sarcastic remark; double entendre |
俏美 qiào měi | charming; pretty |
俏货 qiào huò | goods that sell well |
俏貨 qiào huò | goods that sell well |
俏麗 qiào lì | handsome; pretty |
打情骂俏 dǎ qíng mà qiào | to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with her; to flirt with a member of the opposite sex; to banter flirtatiously |
打情罵俏 dǎ qíng mà qiào | to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with her; to flirt with a member of the opposite sex; to banter flirtatiously |
紧俏 jǐn qiào | (merchandise) in high demand |
緊俏 jǐn qiào | (merchandise) in high demand |
老来俏 lǎo lái qiào | old person who dresses up as teenager; mutton dressed as lamb |
老來俏 lǎo lái qiào | old person who dresses up as teenager; mutton dressed as lamb |
花俏 huā qiào | fancy; gaudy |
讨俏 tǎo qiào | deliberately provocative; saucy |
討俏 tǎo qiào | deliberately provocative; saucy |
走俏 zǒu qiào | (a product) sells well; to be in demand |
赵雅俏 zhào yǎ qiào | refers to Zhao Ya being charming or cute |
俏脸 qiào liǎn | beautiful face; pretty face |
王颖俏 wáng yǐng qiào | a personal name; in this context, it refers to the character's name Wang Yingqiao |