HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 271st character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.7) |
INDEX # | 1556 |
convenience, ease; expedient
便 biàn |
便 pián |

便宜 biàn yí | convenient |
便宜 pián yi | cheap; inexpensive; small advantages; to let sb off lightly |
方便 fāng biàn | convenient; suitable; to facilitate; to make things easy; having money to spare; (euphemism) to relieve oneself |
随便 suí biàn | as one wishes; as one pleases; at random; negligent; casual; wanton |
顺便 shùn biàn | conveniently; in passing; without much extra effort |
即便 jí biàn | even if; even though; right away; immediately |
以便 yǐ biàn | so that; so as to; in order to |
便利 biàn lì | convenient; easy; to facilitate |
便条 biàn tiáo | (informal) note; CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4] |
便于 biàn yú | easy to; convenient for |
大便 dà biàn | to defecate; excrement; feces |
请便 qǐng biàn | Please do as you wish!; You are welcome to do whatever you like!; Please make yourself at home. |
小便 xiǎo biàn | to urinate; to pass water; urine |
便车 biàn chē | to hitchhike |
便士 biàn shì | (loanword) pence; penny |
不便 bù biàn | inconvenient; inappropriate; unsuitable; short of cash |
自便 zì biàn | to do as one pleases; to not inconvenience oneself |
粪便 fèn biàn | excrement; feces; night soil |
便是 biàn shì | (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as |
便衣 biàn yī | civilian clothes; plain clothes; plainclothesman |
便当 biàn dāng | convenient; handy; easy; bento (a meal in a partitioned box); lunchbox |
便秘 biàn mì | constipation; Taiwan pr. [bian4 bi4] |
便宜货 pián yi huò | a bargain; cheap goods |
家常便饭 jiā cháng biàn fàn | simple home-style meal; common occurrence; nothing out of the ordinary |
占便宜 zhàn pián yi | advantageous; favorable; to benefit at others' expense; to take unfair advantage |