
invade, encroach upon, raid

HSK 6 #1086


侵 qīn
  • to invade
  • to encroach
  • to infringe
  • to approach


侵 stroke order diagram
侵 stroke order animation


徹 qīn chè (of a projectile) to penetrate (armor etc)
截 qīn jié to hack (computer)
截者 qīn jié zhě cracker (computing)
擾 qīn rǎo to invade and harass
晨 qīn chén towards dawn
權 qīn quán to infringe the rights of; to violate; infringement
权行为 qīn quán xíng wéi tort; infringement (of sb's rights)
權行為 qīn quán xíng wéi tort; infringement (of sb's rights)
略战争 qīn lüè zhàn zhēng war of aggression
略戰爭 qīn lüè zhàn zhēng war of aggression
略軍 qīn lüè jūn invading army
華 qīn huá to invade China (referring to 19th century imperialist powers and Japan)
蝕 qīn shí to erode; to corrode
蚀作用 qīn shí zuò yòng erosion
蝕作用 qīn shí zuò yòng erosion
襲 qīn xí to invade; to assail; onslaught
限 qīn xiàn intrusion; perimeter breach; (esp.) (of a person or a foreign object) to breach the perimeter surrounding railway tracks
物种 rù qīn wù zhǒng invasive species
物種 rù qīn wù zhǒng invasive species
者 rù qīn zhě intruder
xìng qīn to sexually assault
害 xìng qīn hài sexual assault (law)
犯 xìng qīn fàn to assault sexually; to molest
神圣不可犯 shén shèng bù kě qīn fàn sacred; inviolable
神聖不可犯 shén shèng bù kě qīn fàn sacred; inviolable