hòu hóu

marquis, lord; target in archery



侯 hóu
  • surname Hou
  • marquis, second of the five orders of ancient Chinese nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]
  • nobleman or high official


侯 stroke order diagram
侯 stroke order animation


区 wǔ hóu qū Wuhou district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan
區 wǔ hóu qū Wuhou district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan
祠 wǔ hóu cí memorial hall to Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 (many of them in different town); refers to tourist attraction in Chengdu 成都
公卿 wáng hóu gōng qīng aristocracy
群 zhèng hóu qún erroneous variant of 症候群, syndrome
窃国者,窃钩者诛 qiè guó zhě hóu , qiè gōu zhě zhū steal the whole country and they make you a prince, steal a hook and they hang you (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
竊國者,竊鉤者誅 qiè guó zhě hóu , qiè gōu zhě zhū steal the whole country and they make you a prince, steal a hook and they hang you (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
窃钩者诛,窃国者 qiè gōu zhě zhū , qiè guó zhě hóu steal a hook and they hang you, steal the whole country and they make you a prince (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
竊鉤者誅,竊國者 qiè gōu zhě zhū , qiè guó zhě hóu steal a hook and they hang you, steal the whole country and they make you a prince (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
万户 wàn hù hóu Marquis (highest Han dynasty ducal title meaning lord of 10,000 households); high nobles
萬戶 wàn hù hóu Marquis (highest Han dynasty ducal title meaning lord of 10,000 households); high nobles
萨达姆・赛因 sà dá mǔ ・ hóu sài yīn Saddam Hussein
薩達姆・賽因 sà dá mǔ ・ hóu sài yīn Saddam Hussein
zhū hóu feudal vassal; feudal princes, esp. the monarchs (dukes or princes) of the several vassal states 諸侯國|诸侯国 of Zhou during Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn periods 11th-5th century BC; subordinate warlord; local official
国 zhū hóu guó vassal state
國 zhū hóu guó vassal state
mǐn hóu Minhou county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian
mǐn hóu Minhou county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian
县 mǐn hóu xiàn Minhou county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian
縣 mǐn hóu xiàn Minhou county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian