side; incline, slant, lean

HSK 6 #1220


侧 cè
  • the side
  • to incline towards
  • to lean
  • inclined
  • lateral
  • side
侧 zhāi
  • lean on one side



shuāng cè two-sided; bilateral
tǐ cè side of the body
西泽 xī zé cè Xize turned; refers to a person named Xize turning or shifting position
jǐng cè side of the neck; the lateral area of the neck region
nèi cè inner side; the side that is on the inside or facing inward, often in relation to a limb or body part
yī cè one side; referring to one particular half or section of a divided area or object
shēn cè beside one's body; the side of or next to the body, typically indicating the area around a person's side
另一 lìng yī cè the other side; another side
边 cè biān side; the lateral part or area of an object or a person
头 cè tóu slightly turn one's head; move the head to one side, often indicating attention to something or someone
tā cè he turned his head sideways
襟 cè jīn side-closing; overlapping lapel; side fastening of a garment
zhěn cè side of a pillow
liǎn cè face sideways; to turn one's face to the side
过 cè guò to turn one's face toward; to look sideways
垂眸 chuí móu cè lower one's eyes sideways; the act of looking downwards while turning one's face to the side
颜 cè yán profile; side profile of someone's face
耶尔 yē ěr cè Ye'er side; a location or direction referenced in the sentence
ěr cè beside the ear; referring specifically to the area close to one's ear
yāo cè side of the waist; refers to the area located on either side of the waistline of a person or animal
shàng cè upper side; top
脸 cè liǎn side of the face; the profile view or part of someone's face
翻 cè fān to tip over sideways; to overturn or flip something on its side